
Menstruationsskive vs menstruationskopper: hvilket valg er bedst?

Menstrual disc vs menstrual cups: which choice ...

Menstrual discs and menstrual cups are two of the most innovative products in intimate hygiene. Women who want to offer other women a comfortable, safe and economical alternative for that...

Menstrual disc vs menstrual cups: which choice ...

Menstrual discs and menstrual cups are two of the most innovative products in intimate hygiene. Women who want to offer other women a comfortable, safe and economical alternative for that...

Sen menstruation? Årsag til menstruationscyklusforstyrrelser

Late period? Cause of menstrual cycle disorders

All women have at least once experienced an episode where menstruation was delayed. Thoughts that something is wrong immediately come to mind, as does the thought of pregnancy, which is...

Late period? Cause of menstrual cycle disorders

All women have at least once experienced an episode where menstruation was delayed. Thoughts that something is wrong immediately come to mind, as does the thought of pregnancy, which is...

Første menstruation: Hvornår får man den?

First period: When do you get it?

The first menstruation occurs after the onset of puberty, which varies around 10-13 years of age. First of all, you need to know that everyone is different and that your...

First period: When do you get it?

The first menstruation occurs after the onset of puberty, which varies around 10-13 years of age. First of all, you need to know that everyone is different and that your...

Menstruationsskive - det skal du vide, før du prøver det

Menstrual disc - what you need to know before y...

While more and more information is available about menstrual cups, the situation is slightly different for menstrual discs. There are women who ask themselves: “ Are the menstrual pads the...

Menstrual disc - what you need to know before y...

While more and more information is available about menstrual cups, the situation is slightly different for menstrual discs. There are women who ask themselves: “ Are the menstrual pads the...

Menstruationsskive eller menstruationskop? Hvad FemiEko-specialisterne anbefaler

Menstrual disc or menstrual cup? What the FemiE...

Reusable menstrual products have gained popularity among women around the world because they help them feel freedom of movement and protection, even during this time of the month. First came...

Menstrual disc or menstrual cup? What the FemiE...

Reusable menstrual products have gained popularity among women around the world because they help them feel freedom of movement and protection, even during this time of the month. First came...

Korrekt intimhygiejne hos kvinder

Correct intimate hygiene in women

Intimate hygiene helps prevent infections, keep the area clean and fresh and prevent odor nuisance. But intimate hygiene is not always done correctly. There are widespread practices that are thought...

Correct intimate hygiene in women

Intimate hygiene helps prevent infections, keep the area clean and fresh and prevent odor nuisance. But intimate hygiene is not always done correctly. There are widespread practices that are thought...